Kamis, 03 Juni 2021

Can a TV Actor Live Off Royalties Forever?

Happy Thursday

Hey, did anyone watch the "Friends" reunion episode? It's been 17 years since the show's final season aired in 2004. The cast members came together to revisit the set and share memories from the many years filming the show together. And apparently, it was pretty special.

Want to know how much TV actors like the cast of "Friends" make in royalties? Read on to find out.

Can a TV Actor Live Off Royalties Forever?

By Gerlinda Grimes

Ah, the charmed life of a TV actor: have one big hit TV show and then live like a king for years once all of those royalty checks start rolling in. Is that how royalties really work? Read more >>

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Riddle of the Day!

If you have three, you have three. If you have two, you have two. If you have one, you have none.
Check Your Answer
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