Selasa, 15 Juni 2021

10 Must-have Survival Tools You Probably Already Have 

Happy Tuesday

What Is the Delta Variant of the Coronavirus?

Designated a global "variant of concern" by the World Health Organization, delta is being blamed for a second deadly wave of infections in India, a country that on June 9, reached a world record daily high of more than 6,000 deaths in one day. At last count, it has spread to at least 62 countries. Read more >>

10 Must-have Survival Tools You Probably Already Have

Relax! You already have these. Probably. Read more >>

Are Jackalopes Really Roaming the State of Wyoming?

The all-American jackalope is considered the brainchild of taxidermist Douglas Herrick. Pull up a chair and we'll tell you the story. Read more >>

Is Artificial Turf the Lawn of the Future?

We're getting better at making things that aren't real appear real. Artificial turf is one of them. Read more >>

How Chopsticks Became the Staple Utensil of Asia

How did these two simple sticks start a massive mealtime revolution? Read more >>

Can You Hotwire a Late-model Car?

Is hot-wiring a car as easy as it looks in those heist flicks? Or not so much these days? Read more >>

Q: What's the one movie you could watch over and over again?

Thanks to everyone who answered last week's poll. You can check out the results below! This week we want to know what your all time-favorite movie is. Which movie could you watch over and over again?

Reply to this email with your first name and answer so we can feature you in a future newsletter!

The Results Are In ...

To our surprise, vanilla beat out chocolate for the preferred ice cream flavor! Whether you chose chocolate or vanilla, or your favorite is actually something much fancier, go on out and grab yourself a cone. 🍦
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