Kamis, 05 September 2013

How did 168 conquistadors take down the Inca empire?

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How the Rosetta Stone Works
How the Rosetta Stone Works
How did 168 conquistadors take down the Inca empire?
How did 168 conquistadors take down the Inca empire?

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How the Rosetta Stone Works
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Sometimes providence smiles on historians. Thus is the case with the Rosetta stone, an ancient Egyptian tablet that served as the key for unlocking hieroglyphics, lost to time for a millennia. Learn about the international intrigue, rivalry to translate it and the luck that led to the founding of Egyptology.

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How did 168 conquistadors take down the Inca empire?
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Don't Be Dumb: Asparagus Pee
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Maybe you've noticed that when you eat asparagus your urine tends to smell a little funny. Or maybe you haven't. It could be that you're either one of those people who can't smell asparagus pee or doesn't produce it. Just watch this and be quiet.

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