Kamis, 26 September 2013

How Crack Works

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How Crack Works
How Crack Works
How Dying Works
How Dying Works

Guide to Adulthood: Sending Out an SOS
Guide to Adulthood: Sending Out an SOS
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How Crack Works
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Back in the mid-1980s a new and extremely potent drug hit the scene: crack cocaine. In short order, America was in the grip of both a sweeping addiction and a state of hysteria over use of the drug and the social consequences of crack, like crack babies. Now, 30 years on SYSK takes a look back at the receding wave of the crack epidemic and its lasting legacy on America.

This Day in History
How Crack Cocaine Works
Read: How Narco States Work

How Dying Works
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Chuck and Josh have covered just about every aspect of death except dying itself. Here, they fulfill the death suite of podcasts with an in-depth look at just how people die, what happens to the body during the dying process and how people accept death -- and what they regret not having done while they lived.

Trapped in a Meeting
Read: What happens during the dying process?
Top 10: Worst Ways to Die

Guide to Adulthood: Sending Out an SOS
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On this special episode of Stuff You Should Know, Josh and Chuck teach you how to make the international signal for distress, the SOS. Plus you'll learn about the invention of the telegraph, Morse code, and its impact on communication.

This Day in History
Trapped in a Meeting: Baby and the Bathwater
Don't Be Dumb: Blue Blood

Keep Up With SYSK
Keep Up With SYSK
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Why can't robots get married? How did bullfighting start? How do labor unions work? Join Josh and Chuck as they explore the Stuff You Should Know -- seriously, all of it -- in this podcast from HowStuffWorks.com.

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