Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Very Cool: How Icebergs Work

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How Icebergs Work (Very Cool)
How Icebergs Work (Very Cool)
How Acid Rain Works
How Acid Rain Works
How Military Snipers Work
How Military Snipers Work
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How Icebergs Work (Very Cool)
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Icebergs: floating chunks of ice. True, but whoa there. Scientists are learning that there's a lot more to icebergs. Appropriately enough, we've only come to understand the tip of the iceberg and recent research shows there's plenty more to uncover.


How Icebergs Work

What if people wanted to use icebergs as a source of fresh water?

How Acid Rain Works
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Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from power plants, cars and factories. Find out how acid rain is produced, how it affects natural and man-made objects and how governments aim to reduce it.

Acid Rain

Planet 100
Josh & Chuck on Acid Rain

Can air pollution affect heart health?

How Military Snipers Work
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There's more to being a sniper than lining up your target in the crosshairs and pulling the trigger -- try lying in the same position for days at a time.


Future Weapons
Josh & Chuck on Military Snipers

SYSK's Military Sniper Quiz

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Why can't robots get married? How did bullfighting start? How do labor unions work? Join Josh and Chuck as they explore the Stuff You Should Know -- seriously, all of it -- in this podcast from HowStuffWorks.com.

Treasure Quest

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