Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Fractals: Amazingly Simple, Yet Infinitely Complex

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Should we have a fat tax?
Should we have a fat tax?
How Fractals Work
How Fractals Work
How the Underground Railroad Worked
How the Underground Railroad Worked
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Should we have a fat tax?
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The concept of fighting unhealthy behavior like overeating by taxing unhealthy food has been around since 1994. But as the debate over a fat tax rages on in the U.S., Europe has begun to institute them and there's talk of taxing overweight people as well.

Childhood Obesity

Would a fat tax save lives?

Are there evolutionary roots to human obesity?

How Fractals Work
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Fractals have been around forever but were only defined in the last quarter of the 20th century. Think you can wrap your brain around how fractals work?


Understanding Fractals
Josh & Chuck on Fractals

The Ultimate Fractals Quiz

How the Underground Railroad Worked
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As early as 1786, groups assembled to help slaves escape lives of bondage. And, as the 19th century progressed, the emergent Underground Railroad grew more sophisticated in aiding escaped slaves. But how did it work?

Civil War

Harriet Tubman
Josh & Chuck on the Underground Railroad

A Nation Divided: Civil War Quiz

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