Kamis, 15 Oktober 2020

Why Does the U.S. Use Fahrenheit Instead of Celsius? (Plus More About Measurement)

Why Does the U.S. Use Fahrenheit Instead of Celsius?

By Patrick J. Kiger

Virtually every other country in the the world uses the Celsius temperature scale. Why does the U.S. still use Fahrenheit? Read more >>

More About Measurement

The Kilogram Is Dead. Meet the Kilogram 2.0

How did science redefine the kilogram? Read more >>

5 Things You Didn't Know About the Metric System

When was the metric system modernized? And how does it work across countries? Read more >>

Why do Americans Sell Soda by the Liter but Milk by the Gallon?


Why Isn't the U.S. on the Metric System?

The United States has been slow to adopt the metric system. Here's why. Read more >>

5 Hugely Fun Facts About Mass (Not Weight)

Let's not get the two confused! Read more >>
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What's the Difference Between a Cyclone and Hurricane?

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