Selasa, 31 Desember 2019

Happy 2020 From HowStuffWorks! ðŸ’¥

10 New Year's Resolutions You Might Actually Keep

Even the ancient Romans used to make New Year's resolutions — and spectacularly fail at keeping them. Why not make some vows you may actually complete in 2020? We have ideas.

5 Tips to Finally Achieve Your Fitness Goals
Are you in the habit of getting things done? Great, you're already part of the way toward being more physically fit in 2020. Here's what else you need to do.
4 Totally Random Things People Drop on New Year's Eve
That opulent, oversize ball in Times Square is so tired. These four locales are dropping some unexpected items this New Year's Eve.
How Hangovers Work
Too much alcohol causes the body trouble, as many of us know. What works to remedy a New Year's Day hangover and what doesn't?
4 Year-end Money Tips to Lower Your Tax Bill in 2020
Who doesn't want a lower tax bill? Following these four year-end tax tips will get you one. Get ready for our first tip.

Flower-covered Floats Blossom at the Annual Rose Parade

The Rose Parade is part of America's New Year's Day celebration and includes the prestigious Rose Bowl Game. Take a tour of these fabulous floats and their flower-filled history.

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