Rabu, 19 September 2018

Your Weekly Podcast Picks Are Here!

Career strategy expert Julian Mather says even extreme career shifts don't have to be hard.
Why do we give, and what do we really get back when we do? Join us in exploring our reasons for giving with a music agent turned charity founder, and a Hollywood pastor taking a non-traditional approach to homelessness.
"Unbridled Eros"
In episode ten, Naomi and Andy bring us hilarious sets from married couple Andrea Rosen and John Gemberling and great friends Jess Wood and Baron Vaughn. They also play us some of the songs they come up with in their free time.
025 | Mourning
Sometimes our tour through the Cabinet introduces us to tales of loss and letting go. Other times, we encounter events that are are simply too amazing to be true. This is one of those tours.
Hikers discovered Ötzi the Iceman on this day in 1991. There's more in the January 4, 2012 episode of Stuff You Missed in History Class.
Binge The Entire Season!
In the early 1960s, a doctor at a mental ward sheds his ethical restraints in an effort to pioneer a new form of "mental cleansing" at the behest of a private research group. The Control Group is a chilling, 10-part historical fiction. Listen with headphones for an immersive experience — binge the entire season now!
The Lord of The Rings Trilogy
Episode? More like an EPICsode, because this is a two-parter! In Part 1, Caitlin Durante, Jamie Loftus, and special guest Anna Salinas, a.k.a. "The Fellowship of the Podcast," decide to embark on the long and difficult journey of discussing the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
The Yelling Boss
What can you do if you have a boss who yells?

Listen on:  Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts
We're All In This Together
Mark's lovely wife Giulia has been in the psych ward three times since they got married right after college. You wouldn't know it to look at her or to talk to her. When Mark first saw Giulia when they were freshmen at Georgetown he thought of her as the exotic Italian girl he would be in love with for the rest of his life. Now it's 18 years, three hospitalizations and two children later and their family's motto is "We're all in this together." This is a story about hope as much as it's about the ways mental illness can shape and shift a marriage. 
Alex Jones: The Godfather of Fake News
Alex Jones has been banned from Facebook, Twitter, the App Store and pretty much every other mainstream app that is capable of somehow spreading information. In Episode 22, Robert is joined by Noel Brown and Benjamin Bowlin (Ridiculous History and Stuff They Don't Want You To Know) and they discuss how Alex Jones became an architect of modern conservative media.
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