Jumat, 27 Juli 2018

#SharkWeek rages on!

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10 Most Dangerous Places for Shark Attacks

What Are 'Low-yield' Nuclear Weapons?

During the 2016 presidential campaign, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough caused a stir by saying that then-candidate Donald Trump repeatedly had asked a foreign policy adviser why the U.S. couldn't use the nuclear weapons in its arsenal. A Trump spokesman later denied that Trump had posed this question. See more

Is the 'Lovely Assistant' the Real Magician?

Magic insiders know the real story. When the trunk lid closes, the sheet is raised, or the saw is lowered to the box, it's often the assistant who does the real "magic" of the illusion — releasing the latch on the false bottom and cramming herself into a 10-inch space while executing her ninth costume change of the evening. All before the dude in the top hat says, "Ta-daa!" See More

Do We Need a Category 6 for Hurricanes?


Why Do Stars Twinkle?


Your Dog Really Wants to Help When You're Upset

McBeal was the alpha dog. She ruled the roost. She knew it, as did everyone else, including my ex-wife. Although she was top dog, I have to say, McBeal loved me more than anyone, although her sister, Sophie, was a very close second. One day months before our divorce, my wife and I got into a shouting match. I never saw McBeal so upset. As my wife and I argued by the front door, McBeal bounded off the couch and came running towards me. McBeal sat between my legs and kept nudging my thigh with her nose and pawing at my leg, her mouth agape, her eyes wide with concern as if to say "Daddy, are you okay? Should I call your lawyer?" McBeal did this several times during those agonizing months. See More >>>

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