Selasa, 13 Maret 2018

Why is rudeness so contagious?

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Why Rudeness Is So Contagious


White, Brown, Green Chicken Eggs: What's the Difference?

When visiting the grocery store, you'll notice cartons of eggs separated into white and brown, sometimes even green or blue eggs. But once they arrive scrambled on a plate with cheese and tomatoes, perhaps, or baked into a cake, it's tough to tell the difference. In fact, what is the difference between eggs with shells of different colors? See more

What Happens If You Don't Poop for 47 Days?

Lamarr Chambers refused to poop out drugs he allegedly swallowed, in a bid to avoid prosecution. To accomplish this uncomfortable feat, the prosecutor said he significantly curbed his food intake and simply didn't "go" when the urge struck. After 47 days without a bowel action, police dropped the charges, and Chambers was taken to a hospital for treatment. See More

Are there really more accidents around daylight saving time changes?

Mega-hurricanes and Monstrous Jets Lie Beneath Jupiter's Clouds


How Well Has Strict Gun Control Worked in Australia?

April 28, 1996 was a day that Australians will never forget. As this 2016 article from the Guardian, a British newspaper, details, that's when a 28-year-old gunman named Martin Bryant entered a café in Port Arthur in southeastern Tasmania, pulled a semi-automatic rifle with a 30-round magazine out of his bag and started shooting at tourists and employees. He killed 12 people in the first 15 seconds. The killer then went back to his car, got a second semi-automatic rifle, and looked for more victims. In a little more than 30 minutes, he killed 35 people and wounded 23. It was the worst mass killing ever committed by a single person in Australia's history. Here are four eyewitness accounts of the killings from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. See more >>

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