Kamis, 16 April 2015

Top story: Poll: Right age to get a card? 22

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Weekly newsletter: April 16, 2015

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Top credit card news
Expert advice
Poll: Right age to get a card? 22
Our national survey also finds millennials are conflicted about credit cards: They think they should have them early, yet one in four doesn't have one.  More...
Financial hueristics: Creating money rules to live by
We all have financial rules that are habits. Some help us save money, while others end up costing us. The key is to create rules that play into our financial end game. More...
How to check your child's credit report
With a few exceptions, children shouldn't have credit reports. If they do, it could be an indication of fraud. Here's how to check your child's credit report and spot anything fishy. More...
'To Her Credit' by Sally Herigstad
Stop prescreened offers to reduce fraud temptation
When your mailbox is flooded with card offers, it may be best to opt-out to reduce theft risk. More...
'Opening Credits' by Erica Sandberg
How debt management plans affect your credit
A debt management plan can only help by showing timely payments. More...
'Speaking of Credit' by Barry Paperno
Paying a time-barred debt before mortgage application
Don't let an old, unpaid debt scuttle your mortgage application. More...
Rate Report
Spend your tax return wisely or treat yourself?
Are you one of the lucky ones getting a tax return this year? Here are four rules for using your extra income in ways you'll enjoy without derailing good financial habits. More...
Should banks give up on millennials?
According to banking executive Kevin Tynan, bankers may be wasting their time worrying about millennials -- they don't spend enough to be profitable and they're more likely to change banks if they find one they like better. More...
Credit card rate report
As of 4/16/2015
National Average
Low Interest
Balance transfer
Cash Back
Bad Credit
Instant Approval
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