| | Weekly newsletter: Jan. 16, 2014
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While making good on your resolution to pay down your debt is a terrific goal, think twice before resorting to these six sketchy debt payoff plans ... More
| Author Brian O'Connor cut his own middle-class budget by $1,000 per month and found that, in many cases, it was easier than he expected ... More
| New to the U.S.? The land of opportunity requires you to re-establish credit, but you can go from nothing to good credit in a short time ... More
| | | | The guy at the airport lounge was bragging how he got a debt elimination company to zap all his debt for under $50. It's gotta be real, right? ... More
| Some financial "experts" claim that carrying a small balance on your credit cards is good for your credit score. It's time to kiss that myth goodbye ... More
| A year has passed since you banked those sweet sign-up miles from your new card. Now it's time to escape yearly fees -- while keeping your credit score up ... More
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| Experts agree that the average American knows way too little about personal finance. But will teaching children financial literacy in schools actually help? ... More
| Although pot stores in Colorado report that upward of half their sales since Jan. 1 have been with credit and debit cards, many banks still refuse to do business with them, forcing some to accept credit through means other than a traditional business account ... More
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