Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

What's the deal with diplomatic immunity?

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What's the deal with diplomatic immunity?
What's the deal with diplomatic immunity?
Does owning a gun change your behavior?
Does owning a gun change your behavior?

Trapped in a Meeting: Pinball
Trapped in a Meeting: Pinball
Keep Up With SYSK
Keep Up With SYSK
What's the deal with diplomatic immunity?
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You've heard all about diplomatic immunity, but we'll bet you don't really know how it works. Take some time to get into the nuts and bolts of this ancient and bizarre international custom and just how an embassy can be considered sovereign soil in this episode of SYSK.

Don't Be Dumb
Read: How the Rules of War Work
Read: 10 Insane Disguises That Actually Worked

Does owning a gun change your behavior?
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Back in the 1990s, Congress effectively banned the scientific study of gun violence. Still, a handful of researchers plugged on and produced a small body of work about the effect of the presence of guns on the human psyche. Chuck and Josh look at the evidence.

This Day in History
Read: Can a felon own a gun in the United States?
Read: Does owning a gun change your behavior?

Trapped in a Meeting: Pinball
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Did you know pinball was once considered gambling and therefore illegal in some places? On Trapped in a Meeting, Josh and Chuck recount the story of how one pinball wizard's mean game of pinball proved that pinball is more than a game of chance.

Trapped in a Meeting
This Day in History: National Fire Pup Day
Don't Be Dumb: It's the Law -- Using the Bathroom

Keep Up With SYSK
Keep Up With SYSK
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Why can't robots get married? How did bullfighting start? How do labor unions work? Join Josh and Chuck as they explore the Stuff You Should Know -- seriously, all of it -- in this podcast from HowStuffWorks.com.

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