Kamis, 08 Agustus 2013

The Stuff You Should Know This Week

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The Shark Diaries
The Shark Diaries
How Fingerprinting Works
How Fingerprinting Works

How Foot Binding Worked
This Day in History: Sharks in Matawan Creek
This Day in History: Sharks in Matawan Creek This Day in History: The Chicken Dance
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The Shark Diaries
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In this special episode of Stuff You Should Know, Chuck and Josh tip their hats to Shark Week with an old-fashioned radio play. Join the guys (and a few guests) as they present a dramatization of the 1916 Jersey Shore shark attacks.

Don't Be Dumb
Read: Can I survive a shark attack by gouging out its eyes?
Read: Can playing dead help save me from a shark attack?

How Fingerprinting Works
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The Babylonians, one of the earliest civilizations, were the first to use fingerprints to differentiate people, but it wasn't until the 19th century that prints were used for crime fighting. Ever since, analyzing, classifying and collecting fingerprints to catch criminals and positively identify people has advanced, but is it valid?

Trapped in a Meeting
Read: How Fingerprinting Works
Read: Why do we have fingerprints?

This Day in History: Sharks in Matawan Creek
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In this week's special shark-themed episode, we look at a series of shark attacks that occurred along the Jersey Shore back in 1916. The attacks are widely believed to have been the inspiration for the novel and subsequent mega-blockbuster film Jaws.

This Day in History
Trapped in a Meeting: Megalodon
Don't Be Dumb: Elevator Placebo Buttons

Keep Up With SYSK
Keep Up With SYSK
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Why can't robots get married? How did bullfighting start? How do labor unions work? Join Josh and Chuck as they explore the Stuff You Should Know -- seriously, all of it -- in this podcast from HowStuffWorks.com.

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