Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

The Stuff You Should Know This Week

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Can you outrun an alligator in a zig-zag?
Can you outrun an alligator in a zig-zag?
What was America's first terrorist threat?
What was America's first terrorist threat?
Can you vacation in Antarctica?
Can you vacation in Antarctica?
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Can you outrun an alligator in a zig-zag?
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You've heard the warning before: If you're being chased on land by an alligator, run in a zig-zag. Of course, the average person should be capable of outrunning an alligator. Josh and Chuck take the opportunity to explore alligator safety anyway.

Survival Tips

Man vs. Wild
Can you really escape an alligator if you run in a zigzag?

Fact or Fiction: Surviving an Animal Attack

What was America's first terrorist threat?
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For centuries, terrorists plundered European and U.S. ships in the Mediterranean. Who were the perpetrators, and how did America put an end to their kidnapping, enslavement and extortion?

Famous Protests

Men of War
Josh & Chuck: What was America's first terrorist threat?

Who was America's first murderer?

Can you vacation in Antarctica?
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Antarctica wasn't even formally explored until the 19th century. But today, it's becoming somewhat of a tourist destination. What's to see and do on this icy continent?


The Last Frontier: Alaska
Josh & Chuck: Can you vacation in Antarctica?

Quiz: Vacationing in Antarctica

Keep Up With SYSK
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Why can't robots get married? How did bullfighting start? How do labor unions work? Join Josh and Chuck as they explore the Stuff You Should Know -- seriously, all of it -- in this podcast from HowStuffWorks.com.

Hidden Genius

Stuff They Don't Want You To Know
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