Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

The Stuff You Should Know This Week

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How Rainforests Work
How Rainforests Work
How Fire Works
How Fire Works
How the Peace Corps Works
How the Peace Corps Works
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How Rainforests Work
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They've been called the world's lungs, the world's pharmacy and the world's air conditioner. They take up only 6 percent of Earth's land, yet house 50% of the world's species. Find out the math behind why they may be gone in 40 years in this episode.


Endangered Biomes
How Rainforests Worked

Can we replant the planet's rainforests?

How Fire Works
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Few things have done as much harm to humanity as fire, and few things have done as much good. Find out where fire comes from and see why it behaves the way it does. The answers might surprise you!


Josh & Chuck: How Fire Works

Can you really fight fire with fire?

How the Peace Corps Works
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The Peace Corps provides foreign aid to developing nations in the form of expertise, education and training. Learn what the Peace Corps does, how you can join and where it might take you.

The Coolest Stuff in Asia

The Coolest Stuff in Africa
Josh & Chuck: How the Peace Corps Works

How AmeriCorps Works

Keep Up With SYSK
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Why can't robots get married? How did bullfighting start? How do labor unions work? Join Josh and Chuck as they explore the Stuff You Should Know -- seriously, all of it -- in this podcast from HowStuffWorks.com.

Mars Landings

Car Engines
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