Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Do Video Games Produce Real-life Violence?

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Do video games produce real-life violence?
Do video games produce real-life violence?
Top 10 Speeds Clocked on the Autobahn
Top 10 Speeds Clocked on the Autobahn
How Stress Works
How Stress Works
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Do video games produce real-life violence?
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The disturbing trend of school shootings around the world has dragged violence in video games into the hot seat. But are violent video games actually more capable of producing real violence in gamers or is it just the latest victim of societal hysteria?

Evolution of Video Games

How Killers Think
What are the best video games that were never made?

Does violence in movies and video games desensitize us to the real thing?

Top 10 Speeds Clocked on the Autobahn
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It sounds almost too good to be true, doesn't it? A public road, in a notoriously buttoned-up country, where people can drive as fast as their engines and nerves will allow?

Insane Speed Records

The Sound Barrier
Do you know how to avoid traffic tickets?

What's the fastest car in the world?

How Stress Works
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Stress is just around every corner for most of us these days. Regardless of its origins, it can take a serious toll on body, mind, and soul. How can you reduce and cope with stress?

Are you OCD?

Feeling Anxiety
Josh & Chuck on Obsession with Goals

Will computer models refute free will?

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