Of all the methods of money transference, one of the best ways is to execute it by doing an online money credit card transfer. This is a process in which you use your credit card to transfer money to someone around the world. The great thing about this service is that it’s open to anyone that has a credit card. There are lots of online companies that allow this means of payment, such as PayPal and Moneybookers. Using your credit [...]
Jumat, 29 April 2011
Jumat, 22 April 2011
Change of Charge Credit Card
Two years ago it was easy. You wanted a credit card that was interest-free and you got one. Millions of consumers became fully fledged "rate tarts" as they rode the wave of 0% deals that swept the country as interest rates sank to historically low levels. But now rates are climbing again, with some forecasts putting the Bank of England base rate at 6% by the end of the year, and "free" credit cards look like a thing of the past. [...]
Kamis, 14 April 2011
Manage Your Credit Card
A lot of people don’t really know how to use their credit cards. Nevertheless, it’s very important to learn the rules of handling credit cards for success and ease of mind, encouraging sound spending habits for new and experienced credit card users alike. Here are the three basic laws for success with credit cards: 1. Buy only what you really need. It’s a matter of responsibility. Get to know [...]
Rabu, 06 April 2011
Credit card interest rates over 13%
Average rate hits 18.9% as card providers worry consumers are increasingly likelt to default on their debt. Credit card interest rates have hit a 13-year high as providers worry about consumers defaulting on their debt. The average credit card now charges interest of 18.9%, the highest rate since 1998 and more than percentage points above the trough hit in 2006, according to Moneyfacts.co.uk. [...]
Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011
What I like on Credit Cards
Yummy… a pizza with onion, green pepper, mushrooms, olives, plenty of tofu and a bit of minced fresh garlic. Tasty! Oh, and I have to buy my new laptop. Well, for all these things and little pleasures there’s the credit card. I prefer to pay with my credit cards as I dislike the notion of acting like an ambulant cash dispenser However, using credit cards requires control and knowing well the “policies [...]
Rabu, 16 Maret 2011
Select Credit Cards
In this modern world credit card is known as one of the most convenient way of payment in the transactions. This is due to the fact that using the credit card for payment is very easy and quick since we only slide the credit card on the credit card processing machines then we can make payment to anything possible. Besides credit card is the safest way of payment since we don’t need to use the real [...]
Selasa, 01 Maret 2011
Credit CARD Act penalizes thrift and entrepreneurship; interchange fee controls would compound harm to consumers
Today, the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009 goes into effect. While the law, passed last May, is being hailed as a boon for consumers, it’s already causing a slew of unintended consequences. Congress should carefully consider how the CARD Act will harm consumers and entrepreneurs and revise the law’s flawed provisions. Furthermore, Congress should resist populist proposals that would [...]
Kamis, 24 Februari 2011
Credit card rate rise covers lost revenue, says expert
Credit card providers have increased interest rates in an attempt to make up for revenue losses brought on by the OFT's cap on penalty charges and an increase in the number of bad debts, according to a leading financial information provider. In April, the OFT said that penalty charges imposed when customers defaulted on repayments should be no higher than £12. Since then, a number of credit card providers have increased their [...]
Selasa, 15 Februari 2011
About Credit Cards Work
Have you ever stood behind someone in line at the store and watched him shuffle through a stack of what must be at least 10 credit cards? Consumers with this many cards are still in the minority, but experts say that the majority of U.S. citizens have at least one credit card -- and usually two or three. It's true that credit cards have become important sources of identification -- if you want to [...]
Selasa, 08 Februari 2011
History of Credit Card
The concept of using a card for purchases was described in 1887 by Edward Bellamy in his utopian novel Looking Backward. Bellamy used the term credit card eleven times in this novel. The modern credit card was the successor of a variety of merchant credit schemes. It was first used in the 1920s, in the United States, specifically to sell fuel to a growing number ofautomobile owners. In 1938 several companies started to accept [...]
Kamis, 20 Januari 2011
7 Tips For Applying for Credit Card Application Approved Quickly
Credit cards are one among the many means of payment used for the payment of e-commerce on the Internet. All can not deny the importance of this credit card payment for online transactions. If you are a first buyer of a business online, such as my example of the open Internet Services Buying Agents on the internet, have a credit card is a mandatory requirement. Because the credit card payment is the most widely used and most popularly [...]
Minggu, 02 Januari 2011
FICO's 5 factors: The components of a FICO credit score
In the land of credit scores, FICO is king. The bulk of banks in the United States use FICO scores to decide whether to offer credit to potential borrowers and at what interest rate. FICO has a major global presence, as well: According to the company'stestimonybefore a House Financial Services subcommittee, FICO scores are used in about 10 billion decisions worldwide each year. While the inner workings of the FICO scoring system [...]
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