Kamis, 19 Mei 2022

Value Of #1 Position On Google For Traffic [2022]

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Hello! How much is the top spot on Google actually worth? What happens if you improve from #2 to #1?  If you are interested in SEO, you will not want to miss our updated exclusive research report on "Value Of #1 Position On Google For Traffic [2022]".  PS: In case you missed it, Chitika's assets are now owned by "Poll the People", the fastest way [...]

Rabu, 18 Mei 2022

How To Test Your Ads In Less Than 60 Mins

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Hi! Are you sick and tired of waiting weeks to get A/B testing results?  If so, you will like our new tool that lets you A/B test BEFORE you go live. By presenting your ads or designs to real people, you can short-circuit the painful process of doing live A/B testing.  Best part: You can run your first test in less than 60 mins. Don't believe [...]

Kamis, 12 Mei 2022

EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Value Of #1 Position On Google For Conversions [2022]

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Hello! What is the value of an organic Google click on your website based on the position that it came from?  If you are running ads on your site or e-commerce conversions, what sort of post-click activity can you expect based on the organic position? We've updated our exclusive research report on "Value Of #1 Position On Google For Conversions [2022]" [...]

Selasa, 10 Mei 2022

Under New Management

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Hello! We are excited to announce that Chitika's assets are now owned by "Poll the People".  Poll the People is dedicated to providing our customers with the fastest way to test your ads/designs/messages with real people. We believe that by testing your ads and designs with real people, you can get valuable feedback to improve your campaigns and improve performance.  [...]