Sabtu, 28 November 2020

When Krakatoa Blew

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It's the Weekend!

The father of fractal geometry would have been 96 this week. Happy birthday, Benoit Mandelbrot! Why not stare at the curve of a fern frond or the spiral of a seashell in his honor?

How Fractals Work

Fractals are a paradox. Amazingly simple, yet infinitely complex. New, but older than dirt. Here's what fractals are, and why you should care about them. Read more >>

When Krakatoa Blew: How the 1883 Eruption Changed the World

Did we mention that this eruption also produced the loudest sound in modern history, according NOAA? Read more >>

What's So 'Offal' About Haggis?

The national dish of Scotland is banned in America because it contains a certain outlawed ingredient. But whose idea was it to stuff a sheep's stomach bag and boil it? Read more >>

5 Wild and Wacky Takes on the Advent Calendar

This year Fido and Fluffy can get in on the Advent fun, too! Read more >>

How to Find Orion's Belt in the Night Sky

Orion's Belt is actually something called an asterism. And now is the perfect time to see it. Read more >>

How to Safely Transport Your Christmas Tree Home

Don't be that person who loses it on the road between the lot and your house. We have tips to help you get it home safely. Read more >>

Test Your Knowledge

If you've been reading our emails this week, you might get these questions right!

  1. "Old person smell" is a myth and has more to do with what people eat and the smells given off by their home. (True/False)

  2. Deep web content, which isn't accessible by search engines, makes up what percentage of the web?
    a) 6% b) 34% c) 75% d) 96%

  3. Pumpkin pie was not on the menu at the first Thanksgiving. Why not?
    a) no one made pies in the 17th century b) pumpkins were considered blasphemous vegetables c) there was no butter for crust

  4. From 1942 to 1944, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was canceled for what reason?
    a) a rubber and helium shortage b) poor financing due to cancelled sponsorships c) historically poor weather d) the main route was under major construction

  5. John F. Kennedy was the first Catholic elected president. (True/False)
Check Your Answers
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Kamis, 26 November 2020

How Long Can a Person Safely Hang Upside Down?

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Happy Thursday

And also, happy Thanksgiving to our American friends! Your celebrations may look different this year but however you're spending your day, we hope it's filled with happiness and good health.
Now let's get to the bottom of these weird and wacky questions about the human body!

How Long Can a Person Safely Hang Upside Down?

By Jesslyn Shields

Does hanging upside down make you feel a little panicky? Like it might explode your head? Or like your eyes might pop out of their sockets? Although none of these things would happen, it doesn't mean it's harmless either. Read more >>

What Causes 'Old Person' Smell?

The cause of the musty smell in grandma's house may actually be … grandma. Read more >>

What Happens If You Don't Poop for 47 Days?

Let's just say you'd be in a crappy situation. Read more >>

Why Do Men Have Nipples?


What Would Happen if I Never Cut My Fingernails?

Many people spend hours perfecting their manicures. But did you ever stop and think what could happen if you simply let them go? Read more >>

Is It Possible To Swallow Your Tongue?

The human tongue is essential for speaking and eating ice cream. Ever worry about swallowing yours? We can put that concern to bed. Read more >>

Many Animals Eat Grass So Why Don't Humans?


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Riddle of the Day!

Everyone has it and no one can lose it, what is it?
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